Why are they so popular? 


Composite doors are popular for their modernistic style and their ability to provide excellent security, appearances and energy efficiency. One thing you’ll find with a composite door is their impressive stature and sustainable build. Composite doors are commonly used for front and back doors as they offer enhanced forms of security and are practically impenetrable; furthermore their thick, insulated structure prevents heat from escaping and keeps draughts out.


However, probably one of the most common factors, which persuade people to upgrade to a composite door, is their diverse availability of colours and styles. You can find over 1,000 colours and shades when choosing a composite door – with eccentric colours available including pinks, greens, blues and yellows.


What different styles are there? 


For one, you can find composite doors, which fit, in wide doorways – these doors will be accompanied with a window, decorative panel or two windows parallel to each other. If you have a long doorway or need mobility access, composite doors are also available in wider styles so you can easily access your home with a wheelchair or pram.


Not only are widened composite doors functionally beneficial, they make your home stand out against the crowd. This model fills up more of a space, meaning more room for aesthetic coverage and additional design. Composite doors are made to measure, therefore when buying from reputable tradesmen you will have your door made to the correct measurements of your doorway and can have them shaped to practically any design you would like to complement your home or your ideas. 

What colours are there to choose from?

The choices of colours are limitless, however some of the most common and quirkiest colours include primary and secondary colours as well as black and white tones. If you’re looking for something popular and contemporary, white is one of the most commonly used options for composite doors.  If you’re looking for something which highlights your home yet keeps it looking classy, black is the ideal colour option for you. You can also find bright yellow / sand yellow composite doors which are bright, cheerful and create a sense of optimism about your property.


On the other hand you have colours such as green – a speciality for people who adore nature or blues, which reflect the bright blue skies. Whatever your favourite colour is, you can be sure to achieve it for your own composite door. You can also mix and match the colours of your composite door keeping them ain body one, bold colour and contrasting this with different coloured panelling or outlines. 

What else can i expect if i invest in a composite door?

Well, it’s safe to say, there are little to no negative factors with composite doors, this is because they have been designed to provide the optimum for homeowners. Composite doors are also effective fire doors, this is because they have been structured with multiple thick layer of insulation, wood and polymers to exclude smoke and heat. This model of door is also built to provide the greatest security that any current door can. For an inconvenient fee, you can achieve the best security for your family and home with a composite door; they act as a highly effective crime-deterrent due to their impressive stature.  

Considering getting a composite door?


Whether you just want something new or are looking to replace your front door with something much more fancier – we highly recommend considering a composite door for your home. Not only will a composite door bring your home to life, it will improve your life dramatically – whether that’s with saving you money on your heating bills or making your home warmer during the colder months. 

Composite doors – they’re stylish, they’re secure and they’re for you.


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Elite Windows



Composite doors are the kings of doors – they have so many benefits to offer and people who own one or have come across one, can tell you how beautiful they truly are. The composite models are practical, ergonomic and aesthetic, offering a range of styles, textures and sizes to cater for everyone’s taste.


We understand that the prices can be quite a shock when you are introduced to them – however, for excellent longevity and performance factors – they are definitely worth the investment. If you’re not worrying about paying more than average, then a composite door is a highly recommended product – because they will benefit you in many ways, for years on end. 



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