Composite Doors

There are so many facts and opinions online that describe what a composite door does beneficially and what it doesn’t. However the only thing that will prevent people from investing in a composite door would be the price tag – besides this, there is typically no other reason to complain. With the price tag however come more benefits than you could imagine, including the introduction of a warmer home, lower energy bills and a more secure home. Alongside this you can expect better, quality aesthetics, more durability and a longer lifespan of your door despite how harsh the weather may be. If you’re looking for something that is extremely worthwhile and makes up for a good investment, we highly recommend a composite door. 

PVCu Doors

Contemporary and classic, PVCu doors are popular amongst homeowners mostly due to their practicality and affordable price tag. If you’re looking to upgrade to a newly manufactured PVCu door then you can expect some major advances. For instance, newly installed PVCu doors really look the part and will remain intake with their appearance for years on end. PVCu is also non-porous so moisture will not affect its performance, what else could you possibly need from a door? Great energy efficiency can be achieved and you can expect for draughts to be excluded. 

Aluminium Doors 

Whether it’s a standard door or a bi-fold, you can expect effective features from an aluminium door, including its ultra-strong structure. If security and affordability is your best interest then this model would be perfect for you. Traditionally used for patio or sliding doors if you wanted a front door, which gave you the sense of security that you wanted then aluminium doors, are the perfect match for you. If simple and complimentary is what you’re looking for then you can expect great things from investing in an aluminium door for your home – after all they would be more beneficial than out-dated doors and much cheaper due to lack of maintenance.  

PVCu Windows

 If you want to save on your energy bills and exclude draughts in your house then you need to invest in PVCu windows. Upgrading to modernised PVCu windows will give you the energy efficiency you’re after, not to forget it will make your home look better than ever. Newly, installed PVCu windows will give your home character and can make any home look new even if it’s centuries old. So, are you after contemporary and stylish? Have a look at bay, bow or flush sash PVCu windows to see if any catch your eye and would look good in your home.


A conservatory is a big commitment, however it is a worthwhile one. Investing in a conservatory allows you to design a new, unique space of your own which you can enjoy all year round. Whether you’re looking for a study, playroom or a spot of relaxation – a glass room is the perfect addition to consider. Conservatories provide you with the space you need and they add excessive value to your house due to their popularity amongst homebuyers. With Lean-To, Edwardian and other models available, we can provide you with the advice and guidance need to help you find the perfect living space. A conservatory is a lifetime investment and they are more rewarding than people think. There are options to allow light inside or options to completely eliminate aerial glare, whatever you need for the perfect space, it can be made real – conservatories are far form restrictive with design.



If you’re searching for home improvement ideas to better your lifestyle and your home then new doors, windows and/or a new, conservatory is a great place to start. Once you have them installed the enjoyment doesn’t stop there, their energy efficiency will save you money on your monthly energy bills and you can further decorate all of them to your favour. A new door means a new chance to invest in a preferred handle, knocker and letterbox whilst your conservatory can be customised with furniture and interior design to use it to its full potential. If you would like to get started, contact us today for further information.


What new doors, windows and a conservatory cAN do for you

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Elite Windows



There are so many different improvements you can make to your home which will help it function or look better it’s just a question of what will be the most beneficial and is it worth it? Elite Windows have put together this blog to help people towards making the right decision with their preferred home improvements. We want to ensure everyone chooses the right improvement that best suits him or her and the one that will be sustainable financially. Whether it’s a new door, window or a whole conservatory construction we will provide you with the advantages.



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